Sunday 31 August 2008

Mp3 music: Yatha Sidhra

Yatha Sidhra

Artist: Yatha Sidhra: mp3 download




Yatha Sidhra's discography:

A Meditation Mass

 A Meditation Mass

   Year: 1974   

Tracks: 4

Yatha Sidhra, from Freiberg,Germany, near both the Swiss and French borders, was a transient group that only when lasted recollective enough to record unitary piece of music. That one while of music of music was the 40-minute "A Meditation Mass" which stretched over iI sides of the LP of the same name released in 1973 by the fabled Brain label and considered one of the classics of cosmic Krautrock.

Yatha Sidhra's roots go game to the mid-'60s, when deuce brothers, multi-instrumentalist Rolf and drummer Klaus Fichter began playing in assorted groups together, starting with a mortal mathematical group called Lea Gamble that consisted of them and 2 American ex-service men. By the early seventies the Fichter's were teamed with French bassist Jean-Michel Boivert and flutist Peter Elbracht in a surd rock isthmus called Brontosaurus, which because of the flute sounded a bit like Jethro Tull. In early 1973, Rolf Fichter started work on a lengthy modern work, "A Meditation Mass," and presently began to perform it live with Brontosaurus. At one gig Achim Reichel, a key design in German rock music, was awestruck enough by the piece that he befriended the lot. Reichel managed to catch them a narrow with Brain Records to record the slice, under the consideration that they change their refer to something more than conquer for "A Meditation Mass," which did not sound at all like Brontosaurus's other corporeal, as the piece was far more hypnotic and moony. The diagnose Yatha Sidhra was chosen because it had a mystic good to it.

By the time the album was recorded later that year, guitarist and bassist Matthias Nicolar had replaced Boivert. Reichel produced the album, and on it Rolf Fichter played Moog, flute, vibraphone, electric piano, guitar and vocals. Brain released the album in 1974 with a die-cut foldout breed with the album's title in cut off stencil. The group presumably only existed to make the one recording, and non very much thirster than that. Rolf and Klaus Fichter finally re-emerged as the duo Dreamworld and released a couple of records in the early eighties of quite conventional ELP-styled synth-prog with none of A Meditation Mass's magic trick and mystique.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Mp3 music: Aiden


Artist: Aiden: mp3 download


ROck: Alternative


Aiden's discography:



   Year: 2007   

Tracks: 11
Nightmare Anatomy

 Nightmare Anatomy

   Year: 2005   

Tracks: 11

Hailing from rainy Seattle, Aiden combines post-hardcore and tough attitudes with chivalric esthetics and a sexual love of all things horror (not to honourable mention, of course, the Misfits) to create billowy, darkly melodic medicine. The grouping formed in the leaping of 2003 spell its members were silent in high gear schooling, pickings their name from the young, ghost-seeing son in the 2002 revulsion flick The Ring. A few lineup changes occurred early on; the quint -- Nick Wiggins (fresh water bass), Jake Davison (drums), Angel Ibarra (guitar), Jake Wambold (guitar), and William "wiL" Francis (vocals) -- was solidified, however, ahead entering the studio in December 2004 to disc their debut uncut, Our Gang's Dark Oath. Making two-song samplers of their album, Aiden managed to evanesce out a few one thousand copies around township, sparking a grapevine buzz all over Seattle. Their debut was released in June 2004 on Dead Teenager, and the band played unnumberable shows throughout the year -- whenever school would imprimatur. Their operose work gainful cancelled quickly, inking a deal with Victory Records by December. All members were finally done with high school by June 2005, and Aiden was exempt to go, jumping on the road that summer with the Hurt Process, the Audition, and the Junior Varsity. Their first mark exertion, Nightmare Anatomy, appeared in October 2005, proving to be a glibly energetic disk with undeniable meat maulers scorn jolly sour lyric content. Touring with pronounce match Hawthorne Heights, Bayside, and Silverstein rounded out the year ahead Aiden headed back out to support 30 Seconds to Mars countrywide in the number 1 half of 2006. Victory then re-released Our Gang's Dark Oath with new artwork in April 2006, the Rain in Hell EP arriving hardly in time for that year's Halloween. In August of 2007, the band issued Conviction, an album that took them away from their screamo tendencies towards more rock-oriented, melodic terrain.

Monday 11 August 2008

Michael Wetzel

Michael Wetzel   
Artist: Michael Wetzel



Into The Desert   
 Into The Desert

Tracks: 18


Wednesday 6 August 2008

House Passes $118.7B Military Construction-Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill

The House on Friday voted 409-4 to okay a $118.7 one million million fiscal year 2009 Military Construction-Veterans Affairs appropriations flyer (HR 6599), CQ Today reports.

The statute law includes $72.7 1000000000000 in discretionary spending, an $8.8 billion increase from FY 2008 and $3.4 billion more than President Bush requested (Johnson, CQ Today, 8/1). Under the bill, VA would receive $47.7 billion in discretionary spending, a $4.6 1000000000000 increase from FY 2008 and $2.9 billion more than Bush requested (Sanchez, CongressDaily, 8/1). Before the passageway of the bill, lawmakers proposed four-spot amendments related to health care for veterans, trey of which were indrawn and unrivalled of which was denied a vote on a point of order (CQ Today, 8/1).

The White House on Wednesday said that Bush would veto the bill unless Congress finds $2.9 billion in offsets in other appropriations bills to meet the overall spending level he requested (CongressDaily, 8/1). However, "Democrats are determined to boost spending for samara domestic priorities -- and for veterans," CQ Today reports. According to a Senate Appropriations Committee aide, the Senate plans to consider a different rendering of the bill (S 3301) in September (CQ Today, 8/1).

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Wednesday 25 June 2008

Visit Films inks deals on its Cannes slate

Two titles secure N. American distribution

CANNES -- Visit Films has secured two North American distribution deals for its Cannes slate, selling Guy Moshe's child prostitution drama "Holly" to City Lights Pictures and Steve Barron's immigrant tale "Choking Man" to Film Movement.

"Holly," the story of an American gambler in Cambodia who tried to save a 12-year-old Vietnamese girl, stars Ron Livingston and Virgine Ledoyen. "Man," a 2007 Tribeca Film Festival premiere from music video director Barron, follows a painfully shy immigrant working in Queens. Both films' producers gave the projects limited self-release runs in New York.

Visit's Ryan Kampe and Sylvain Tron negotiated the "Holly" deal with City Lights' Mark Ragone and Marcus Lansdell, and the "Man" deal with Film Movement's Adley Gartenstein.

See Also

Monday 16 June 2008

George Michael - Michael Calls On Von Teese For New Video

Pop superstar GEORGE MICHAEL has recruited burlesque dancer DITA VON TEESE to star in his new music video.

Von Teese will team up with the former Wham! frontman for the promo for an as-yet-unannounced single, and the exotic dancer admits it is a dream come true.

She says, "George wants me in the video of his next single and I'm on my way to London to meet him, I can't wait.

"I'm a huge Wham! fan and this will be the highlight of my career. I have been perfecting my routine and I've also been doing Pilates - my secret for keeping in shape."

See Also

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Spears' manager is ordered to stay away

Britney Spears' self-styled manager Sam Lutfi has been served with a restraining order, which instructs him to stay at least 250 yards away from the star.
Courts documents say that Lutfi is also barred from communicating with Spears.
Reuters reports that lawyers for the singer's father, Jamie Spears, who has been granted temporary control of his daughter's business and personal affairs, filed court documents saying Lutfi was served with the order at his home on Thursday morning.
In court papers requesting the restraining order three weeks ago, Spears' mother Lynne claimed that Lutfi had drugged her daughter, cut her home phone line and was attempting to control her life.
Lynne Spears said that Lutfi told her and a friend that he gave Britney Spears pills ground up in her food to keep her quiet and at one point he told Britney she had to take 10 pills a day if she wanted to see her two young children.
Spears recently had her visitation rights for her two young sons stripped by a court after refusing to return them to their father Kevin Federline, who currently has custody of the children.